
Showing posts from March, 2018

How to use terrorist rifles in CSGO (Guide)

Introduction  In this tutorial/guide/fact file , I will be explaining how to use each rifle (counter-terrorist and terrorist.) This is a beginner guide and is mostly opinion based, although, I will be using facts and statistics (from the counterstrike wiki) to support my claims. I hope you enjoy and please leave a comment and share if you found this article useful! Terrorist Weapons  Firstly, I will go over the terrorist weapons. I will make a fact file for each and also talk about how I personally use these rifles. This list of weapons is in no particular order. AK-47 A particularly lethal rifle and a huge favorite among players. Its original and alternative name was the CV-47. It has a 30 round magazine capacity along with 90 extra bullets of ammo for reloading. Its price is $2700 and originated from Russia. Its rate of fire is 600rpm with a reload time of 2.5 seconds. While carrying the weapon, your movement speed will be 88%. It deals 36 damage h...