How to use terrorist rifles in CSGO (Guide)
In this tutorial/guide/fact file , I will be explaining how to use each rifle (counter-terrorist and terrorist.) This is a beginner guide and is mostly opinion based, although, I will be using facts and statistics (from the counterstrike wiki) to support my claims. I hope you enjoy and please leave a comment and share if you found this article useful!
Terrorist Weapons
Firstly, I will go over the terrorist weapons. I will make a fact file for each and also talk about how I personally use these rifles. This list of weapons is in no particular order.
A particularly lethal rifle and a huge favorite among players. Its original and alternative name was the CV-47. It has a 30 round magazine capacity along with 90 extra bullets of ammo for reloading. Its price is $2700 and originated from Russia. Its rate of fire is 600rpm with a reload time of 2.5 seconds. While carrying the weapon, your movement speed will be 88%. It deals 36 damage however, this will vary where the opponent is hit. A headshot is a fatal/instant kill to unarmored and armored opponents making it the ideal area to hit. A leg shot deals the same to unarmed and armored opponents (26 damage to each), a stomach shot deals 33 damage to armored opponents and 43 to armored ones, and finally, an arm or chest shot will deal 35 damage to an unarmed opponent and 27 to an armored opponent. Some other information: It has a 69 percent recoil control, an accurate range of 22 meters, an armor penetration of 77.5 percent and will give you a $300 kill award (competitive) and a $150 kill award in casual.
Galil AR
This is a cheaper gun than the AK-47 but still very deadly. I like this gun a lot and I use it a lot. It costs $2000 dollars and it has a mag capacity of 35/90. It has a penetration power of 77.5 percent and is fully auto. A slower reload than the AK-47 with 3 seconds. Damage: leg armored = 22 leg unarmored = 22, stomach unarmored = 37 armored = 29, chest and arm 30= armored 23 = unarmored, head is unarmored =120 and armored = 92. Although the AK-47 is better, this is a good gun for if you lose the first round.
SG 553
The SG 553 is what I describe as an AK-47 with a scope. It is a rather expensive weapon at $3000 and gives a $300 kill reward ($150 for casual.) It can get inaccurate if you spray is so tap firing is best and you need to aim for the head. Its armor penetration is 100 percent and reloads time is 2.8 seconds making it slightly faster than the Galil. Damage wise it does exactly the same damage to armored and unarmored opponents as it is 100 percent armor piercing. Head = 120 Chest and Arm = 30 Stomach = 37 Leg = 22. Its magazine capacity is 30/90. It is ideal for long range confrontations.
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