
How to use terrorist rifles in CSGO (Guide)

Introduction  In this tutorial/guide/fact file , I will be explaining how to use each rifle (counter-terrorist and terrorist.) This is a beginner guide and is mostly opinion based, although, I will be using facts and statistics (from the counterstrike wiki) to support my claims. I hope you enjoy and please leave a comment and share if you found this article useful! Terrorist Weapons  Firstly, I will go over the terrorist weapons. I will make a fact file for each and also talk about how I personally use these rifles. This list of weapons is in no particular order. AK-47 A particularly lethal rifle and a huge favorite among players. Its original and alternative name was the CV-47. It has a 30 round magazine capacity along with 90 extra bullets of ammo for reloading. Its price is $2700 and originated from Russia. Its rate of fire is 600rpm with a reload time of 2.5 seconds. While carrying the weapon, your movement speed will be 88%. It deals 36 damage however, this will vary w

Counter Strike Global Offensive (CSGO) Tips And Tricks

I have been apart of the Counter-Strike Global Offensive (CSGO) community for almost 2 months now. This game took me a while and a lot of practice to get used to as it is extremely different compared to other FPS games such as call of duty and modern warfare. It, however, is a very tactical game where you can't do your own thing and have to communicate. Due to its competitive and tactical nature, which can be hard for players to learn at first, I have made a list of tips and tricks that will help you become a better player. Tip One Communication And Teamwork In CSGO communication is vital and is needed no matter what team you are on. As a counter-terrorist, you must communicate with your fellow players to ensure you cover a sufficient space (all the bomb sites and paths to them) and also communicate where the enemy players are. If you are guarding bombsite A, and the terrorist team is attacking it, you must tell your team this so they can assist you. Similarly, if you are on th